“Contracting is the transfer of the legal entity’s own tasks to a service provision company. When used in connection with supply, plant or energy contracting it means the provision and/or supply of consumables (heat, cold, power, steam, compressed air, etc.) and the operation of the associated facilities." 

“Contracting” has been becoming more and more important over the last few years in a whole variety of different forms and applications.

Our service module offers you a whole range of different options on this topic, from consulting to carrying out the contracting for your project, as required.


  • Savings contracting
  • Energy supply contracting
  • Takeover contracting
  • Financing contracting
  • Operational contracting


  • Creating and analyzing contracting projects
  • Consulting on contracting options
  • Producing contracting agreements
  • Carrying out contracting (in its respective form)